Kundalini Rising, Meditation, Astrology and Spiritual Maturation

Spiritual Maturation, Kundalini and Astrology

As human beings there are pivotal points in our life that change the direction and flavour of our life. Once you begin the study of psychology, astrology and spiritual growth you can start to see how there are certain astrology transits that are super important for initiating us on our journey.

In Astrology we look at transits in 3 different ways.

  1. World Transits that impacting our collective community and world events

  2. Generational Transits - periods that affect everyone born the same time as us and transits that every generation goes through. These transits happen in relation to the generational outer planets and the world transits happening now. With these you can look at someone younger than you and resonate with the particular period that they are going through.

  3. Personal Transits - this the planetary movement in relationship to your very unique chart and how your personal planets are aspecting the world transits.

There are many generational transits but 3 that are really defining transits as outlined by Barbara Hand Clow for our Spiritual Journey are.

  1. Saturn Return at age 28-30. Saturn is the time keeper, Lord of Karma and Authority figures. This is a time where we often are asked by the Saturn archetype to tune into our inner authority. Saturn is not a time waster and so during this transit we often get ‘set straight’ to tune into our path. It’s often a time that people may change careers, have children, get married or divorced. Big life changes. It’s not necessarily a “hard” transit unless you are resisting making a change. Once the change is made however, life will normally blossom and there is an integration period in your early 30s as you settle into the change.

  2. Uranus Opposition at age 38-46. Uranus as an archetype is electric and rebellious. It’s related to the electric parts of us like our kundalini energy and this is often when we have further kundalini awakenings as our body is more mature. This resonates with many mystery school teachings which talk of 7 x 7 year cycles to develop. The first cycle being landing in our physical body, then emotional, then mental etc so by 42 even if we have not matured in all these bodies that are more ‘available’ to us to develop. This time is important for Spirutal Growth. It’s also a time for great innovation - electric new ideas. Many scientists, artists, philosophers and poets all created their most seminal work during their Uranus opposition. it’s also our ‘second adolescence” and where we might feel like ‘taking the bull by the horns’ and doing things that we’ve always wanted to do - like a career if we had kids and stayed at home with them, or vise versa.

  3. Chiron Return at age 50-51. A time for full Spiritual Awakening which can feel like a Spiritual Illumination or Spiritual Emergency/Crisis depending on how we lived our lives up until this point and how we have worked through our trauma and wounding and processed it. If we haven’t done that work we have all this kundalini energy coming up but not knowing how to process or work with it and it can feel overwhelming hence a Spiritual Emergency. If we have been processing this is where we feel a ‘coming of age’ a maturation, depending our spirituality and having some real life earned wisdom to share. It’s an amazing time to delve deeper into meditation and your spiritual gifts and illumination - if not you may be feeling irritated or just simply lost as you can’t channel that energy. If any of the energy channels are blocked from things that haven’t been processed, it can feel challenging as the energy is wanting to move, but these past things still need to be cleared.

I mentor people through all of these phases. I use trauma informed psychology, spiritual psychology, meditation and astrology to help each person move through things they’ve been carrying, create emotional intelligence and also attune to their inner most self through bespoke meditations and spirutal practices.

Belinda Matwali