How I use astrology as a Spiritual Mentor

How I use astrology as a Spiritual Mentor

When I’m working with myself and clients it all centres around empowering and remembering our most essential self through meditation. 

A huge theme around how I work is leaning into the fact that we are Human + Beings. Whilst we live in this world we live in this duality of being divine and unlimited but also having a very human experience of self limiting beliefs, struggles, and needing to navigate surviving on this material plane.

I use astrology as a road map to help my clients see major turning points in their life. If they are in a season of struggle, uncertainty that’s asking them to dig deeper. Or if they are in a golden phase and should leap for their dreams and make the most of this cosmic lift up.

It can help our human aspect see which part of the journey we’re on. If we’re being challenged it’s for a reason, life is asking us to grow to dig deep and that this is happening as part of our soul journey. That perspective alone can change EVERYTHING. 

But none of that is more important than nourishing the being. 

Here are some examples of things I might look for.

In your late 20’s Saturn Return - a time where you are being squeezed by life to see whether you are listening to your inner authority. 

Mid Thirties - Jupiter Return - a golden time where the dots all connect 

Late Thirties - Pluto Square - can feel like the rug is being pulled out from under you

Early - Mid Forties - Pluto Square. Neptune Square. Uranus Opposition. 

Fifty - Chiron Return.

You can read more in this article on the 3 most defining transits for our spiritual maturation, and the mid-life crisis transits which are really an initiation into our self.

In addition to this, we always have personal transits of the outer planets to our inner planets and knowing how to ‘ride’ these and understanding how they are helping our maturation, evolution, work and relationships is so important and helpful.

Also within this each year there are power days when the personal planets Mercury, Venus, Mars and the Sun make returns and favourable aspects in your chart and so much more.

So this is a tiny amount of how astrology can support you in your journey in experiencing what it’s like to be a human +being. 

Belinda Matwali