Spiritual Nutrition for Capricorn Season

In astrology Capricorn is described as the mountain goat who steadily climbs mountains to achieve their goals and dreams - ie. this archetype is about putting in the work in order to reach your highest potential. The energy of this season is then a great time to work on mastering structure and routines in your life . However the caveat here is to avoid over doing it and reaching burnout which the Capricorn archetype is known for.

The Energy and Nervous System Nutrition course goes into this topic in detail - choosing carefully where to put your energy, work with your energy efficiently, and the importance of when we do take time out for a meditation or yoga nidra practice is it helping us be MORE productive. If you have a mind that is addicted to working it’s really important to be watchful of this, as you may feel that you never have ‘time’ for self care as you’d rather be ‘productive’ - but this kind of thinking is a trick and in the long term you’ll be less productive.

By this I mean seeing your spiritual practices and personal growth as a part of your workday to help you tone your nervous system and work with powerful sankalpa affirmations, rather than been seen as “just self care”. When we realise the benefit and power of working at a higher level of energy rather than just working on the 3D level we see really powerful shifts. I mentor many young entrepreneurs on using their spirtiual skillset in theri business and seeing amazing results since they prioritised their spritual practices.

In the physical body Capricorn is all about our bones, joints and skin - the structure of our body. In Spiritual Nutrition the health of our bones is vital as our bones and pineal gland are made up of minerals in crystalline structures that help to amplify the energy in our body. This helps us be a super conductor to the divine. We can radiate love from our heart and our bones will amplify that and help us receive and transmit energy in our meditation. I talk about the importance of minerals, our bones and the pineal gland in more detail in my Eating For Meditation Masterclass.

I’m also taking applications for 1:1 sessions if you want to use this Capricorn energy to go deeper in your spiritual journey, your meditation practice and look at ways to work through patterns and limiting beliefs that have been holding you back and see them in a new way. You can find out more about 1:1 mentoring here.

Belinda Matwali